Friday, January 29, 2010

Thank Goodness for Pain Meds!!!

TMI alert :)

Today, I ended up having to go to my Gynecologist's office for a sonogram for horrible cramps I've been having the last week. I was having them so badly that I was getting nauseous and during lunch today I was having shooting pains through the left side to my back and sometimes like up my side/stomach area.

After taking a pregnancy test this morning, and seeing that it was negative, I was very relieved. Since I have an IUD, if it was positive, then it would've most likely been an ectopic pregnancy. But the cramps were getting worse today, and so I was told to come in to have the sonogram.

During the appointment, I found out my IUD is in the right place (thank goodness), and there wasn't anything wrong - that she could see by the sonogram. However, when she pressed down on my ovaries, they did not move like they should. This could be caused by endometriosis, but they're not 100% sure on that diagnosis since that cannot be detected by sonogram.

I wasn't able to see my doctor today, because he was stuck in surgeries all afternoon, so I will be coming back Monday morning to see him to try and figure out what's going on. They gave me a prescription for Vicodin, since neither ibuprofen or naproxen have helped the pain.

Thank goodness for pain meds!!! I took it about 45 minutes ago, and it's kicked in and I feel great! The pain isn't all the way gone, because I only took one (the directions say 1-2), but this is the best I've felt the past few days!

Now I'm off to cuddle up on the couch, watch TV and sip on my Wildberry Green Tea. This stuff is amazing!

Yay for my New Years Resolution of stopping biting my nails - so far, so good! (Not sure if you can tell in the picture) :)

I better get some rest because tomorrow, I'll be going over to my friend Danielle's house to scrapbook all day/night with my Mom.

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I've been reading this blog: and am learning a lot!

She is having a contest/give away for Larabars! PreventionRD wants YOU to try Larabars! Enter the giveaway by going here:

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Wednesdayyyyy :)

It's Wednesday - or "Hump Day" as some people call it! ;) Meaning, it's one day closer to Friday.

I'm surprised I haven't been blogging in a while..what's wrong with me?! LOL. Anyways, since Sunday...I've been pretty much doing same 'ol, same 'ol.

Here's a picture of me and Brayden from Sunday while we were coloring:

I also went to a baby shower (I think I mentioned this already) for our friend's Angela and Greg - I'm trying to get a picture from the baby shower to post as my picture for Sunday for my project.

Monday: after work, I got home and cut up an apple for a snack before my run:

AND I sliced the tip of my finger - with a sharp knife!! It didn't hurt too badly, because it was so quickly, but it was pretty tender - still is a little bit - and bled for a while. I did my 30 minute run afterwords, and after showering it was still bleeding a little bit! Luckily, it finally stopped bleeding..

My run was not too bad, I need to start drinking more water.. That's a goal of mine to start drinking at least 8 glasses of water per day. We'll see how that goes. I think once I start drinking more water, I'll be able to run better. My legs/sides sometimes cramp up during my run, and I'm thinking it's because I'm not drinking enough water. We'll see. The end of my run, the last like two minutes of it I kicked the speed up to 6.0mph to burn some extra calories ;) and to see how I could handle it. It wasn't too bad, at all! I ended up running like 2.8 miles in 30 minutes. I'd like to be able to eventually do 3 miles in 30 minutes, and I'm not too far from that small goal.

Yesterday (Tuesday): Ashlee and I met up at Souper Salad for dinner and we went to Carter BloodCare afterwords to donate blood. We try to donate blood as often as they'll let us, which is like once every eight weeks. For our good deed, of course ;).

My vein wasn't cooperating, and my blood wasn't flowing fast enough, so they tried to adjust the needle a lot to correct it. Instead of getting it to flow better, it ended up bleeding underneath my skin, forming a hematoma. BLAH. Meaning, I have a pretty bruise today. LOL.

Usually, you're supposed to keep this wrap on for 4-6 hours after donating blood. Instead, I kept it on all night and took it off this morning. I'm not sure how much of a difference it made, but the bruise when I looked at it this morning wasn't as bad as I thought it would be!

I got a goodie bag of ice packs and heat packs to use last night and heat packs to use today for the bruise:

So that it'll help with any pain and also help with the healing of the bruise. I ended up only using one ice pack, and it really did help, I think, because my arm was hurting afterwords!

After donating blood, Ashlee and I walked over next door to Celebrity Bakery and got one cookie each. We've decided we're going to do that each time we donate blood ;), we deserve it anyway. LOL.

Then, we decided to go to Kroger. I wanted to get some protein bars for me to eat before my runs, and Ashlee said this brand was pretty good. They were on sale for $1 each - which is great!! So I picked up seven different flavors to try out:

I'll try one tonight, before my run.. I just have to decide which one to try ;)

Last night, while babying my arm, I decided to look into the digital version of Project Life:

I'm really interested in doing it, because I've wanted to try out digital scrapbooking. The only thing I'm hesitant about, is the price. The price of the Digital version is $99, but if I pay now I'd save 20%. I wasn't too happy about that, seeing as how the price for the real scrapbook version was like $50ish with shipping. Then, I looked on, a scrapbooking website, to see what other people have said about this price and I came across a good explanation for why it's more expensive: if you think about the price for printing out all 365 pictures, whether it be $0.12 to $0.15 per picture, that'd be anywhere from $44-$54 for pictures alone. So, it pretty much equals out to be about the same price as the regular version. AND if I pay now, I can save 20% off the total price.. AND (lol) I just got an email from someone saying they'd buy the kit from me that I have now, so that would help with my decision....
For more information on Project Life, visit: :)

Tonight, my sister (Ashlee) is having a jewelry party for Lia Sophia. I'm excited about it! I purchased a few things from my friend's (Desiree) jewelry party, so I'm hoping that I can decide on a few other things to purchase. We'll see :)..

I need to hurry up and get off work ;) so I can do my run before the jewelry party. I feel bad for not running yesterday, but I read that you shouldn't exercise after donating blood. So I'll make up for it tonight ;)

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Another Long Run

Today, I went over to my parent's house to run another long run with my Mom. We ran about 4 miles...I'm not sure exactly how far we ran, because her watch (that we use to track our pacing) died. Bummer. Anyway, so we're guesstimating that we ran 4 miles. It felt like 4 anyway ;) LOL. My left calf cramped up on me pretty much the whole run. That wasn't very fun - so I had many walk breaks, and many stretch breaks. I'm hoping that I can kick up my running throughout the week so I won't have to walk as much during my next long run. We're supposed to run 5-6 miles next Sunday.

After running, I immediately showered, and made myself a bowl of oatmeal. I watched my nephew for a few hours, and then put him down for a nap. Then, my Mom and I drove to Garland for our friend's Angela and Greg's baby shower. We're sooooo happy for them finally getting chosen by a birth mom! Their baby girl will be here in probably three weeks or so. They tried to conceive for years, and after failed attempts, they decided on adoption. And now they were finally chosen by a birth Mom! I think they'll be great parents and I cannot wait to meet the little baby girl! :)

My Mom and I took a picture with Angela at the shower - so I'm hoping that she posts them on her Facebook so I can save it and use it for my picture for today. (for the "Project Life" scrapbook project I'm doing, where I take a picture of myself/what I'm doing every day for one year). If not, I'll have to email her to have her send it to me. I hope it turned out good! :)

After the baby shower, I came home and made my boyfriend and his friend, Daniel, some guacamole - because I'm nice like that ;) LOL. They're hanging out watching the football games and playing XBOX. I'm very happy the Colts are going to the Super Bowl again, by the way! I hope they win again! Yay! ;)

I'm bummed that today is Sunday, I wish it was Saturday ;) but it'll be Friday again before I know it.. And Saturday I'm going over to Danielle's with my Mom to scrapbook all day and night. I'm really hoping that the father of the kids I babysat occasionally doesn't need me next weekend (he has his kids every other weekend), so that I won't have to cancel on Danielle and my Mom. The reason I'd cancel on them instead of saying "no" to babysitting, is because I could really use the money. But I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he wont need me. We'll see.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Good Saturday!

I was driving to my Mom's house today to help watch my nephew, and I was thinking to myself "man, I have to go to work tomorrow"...THEN I realized that today's only Saturday, and I thought "YAYY!". I guess I got myself confused by going over to my parent's house on Saturday, instead of Sunday. LOL.

I helped watch my nephew for a few hours... We played with his cooking toys and baby toys. He wanted to drink his milk out of this small baby cup! It was sooo cute! LOL

After leaving my parent's house, I went to Whole Foods.. I could spend hours in that grocery store just walking around. I love it there. I ended up buying some apples, bananas, strawberries, blueberries, a small watermelon, cucumbers, zucchinis, mushrooms, yogurt, cheese...ummm some tofu noodle things to try, and some already prepared Tofu to try...I don't even know what I bought. LOL.

I got home, and made myself dinner, since the boyfriend is working until 9pm. I made myself the tofu noodles stuff with zucchini, bell peppers, mushrooms, cilantro, and some laughing cow cheese (part of the recipe was from my sister, I'm not sure where she found it).. It turned out not too bad. I made a complete mess of my kitchen! LOL :) Oh's all cleaned now, so it's okay.
My messy kitchen!
- I heated up the tofu from Whole Foods also, which was delicious. I'm pretty sure I can make that on my own, with the tofu I already have, so I wont need to spend $2something on that small amount again..

I feel weird not running today.. Yesterday, I got home too late to run, and today is my "off" day, so I skipped running today also. I'll be running 4 miles in the morning with my Mom, so we'll see how that goes...

I'm going to curl up on the couch in a little bit to watch a Lifetime movie, and wait for my boyfriend to come home! :)

Friday, January 22, 2010

Happy Friday!!!! :)

Today has been a good day!

I watched that new show The Deep End last night on ABC, the one that came on before Grey's Anatomy. Desiree refers to it as the "lawyer version of Grey's Anatomy". She is totally right. From what I saw (I watched 15min of it while running, and then the last like 10min), it seemed pretty good..but I better not continue watching it, because knowing me, I will..and I really don't need to get suckered into another show!! I have enough to watch!! :)

I may complain about my job being stressful sometimes, as we only have three employees (plus the doctor) so there's a lot for each of us to do.. but I really do love my job. I am very fortunate to work for such a nice and considerate doctor, and my coworkers and I get along great, for the most part. And I really do LOVE the patient interaction. I love learning about different people, and helping them out. So, I suppose this is a good profession for me. (Atleast something dealing with people, anyways)

(I just figured out the BOLD thingy on here LOL, I know I'm behind)..

We had a lighter clinic today, lighter than usual, because my boss had to leave early to catch a flight - him and his wife are going to VEGAS for the weekend..for a siminar. I told him he was off the hook, since he's going to be working, and not playing around..and he better bring us next time ;) LOL.

Tonight, I'm skipping running (going to be weird not running), because the boyfriend and I are meeting my parents for dinner at On The Border at 5:30pm.. And then I'm supposed to meet some parents at 8:30pm in North Dallas for an "interview" to see if they want me to babysit for their church group..we'll see how that goes. ((OOH maybe I'll run after the interview thing, depends on how I feel)) My Mom told me one thing though, I have to think about how far it is for me to drive to the job, and how many hours I'd be babysitting, and how much they pay. For example, if they pay $12 an hour, for two hours, and it takes $5 (or whatever) for gas, it may not be worth it. But, the interview process will be a good experience for me, either way.

Tomorrow, I'm not sure what I'm going to be doing...maybe watch Brayden for a few hours to help my parents, I know I'll be watching him some on Sunday, but I'm not sure what I'm doing tomorrow. If I don't run tonight, then I'll use today as my "off" day, and run tomorrow. We will seeeeee....

Hope everyone had a great Thursday!

Hope everyone had a great Thursday!

Mine wasn't too bad.. We had a busy day at work, on Thursdays we do our Nuclear Stress Tests and we see patients at the same time, which wouldn't be as bad if we had a larger office.. We only have three patient rooms, and during the Nuclear testing, usually two of the three are taken up with the patients here for testing, leaving only one room for patients to see the doctor. Yesterday didn't go too badly though AND we had a drug rep bring us lunch - Potbelly's, which I love! I got the Mushroom Melt "skinny" sandwich on wheat (their skinny sandwiches have less cheese and less bread than the normal sandwiches). I also added artichoke hearts on it, instead of getting their hot peppers..which was delicious! :) LOL I need to get that more often ;)

After work, I sat around on the couch for a while and watched half of Funny People with my boyfriend and his friend, Daniel. It was really funny, what I saw anyways. Then I finally talked myself into going to run on the treadmill (after sitting on the couch for like an hour and a half after getting off work, I wasn't in the mood to exercise), and I'm glad I went running!

My run was okay - I guess it's getting better. I kept getting a cramp on my left side, so I stopped for walk breaks a few times. I ran 30 minutes, like 2.37 miles, and burned like 280 calories.

After my run, my boyfriend had a sandwich ready for me from Subway.. SO I devoured that. I took a picture of my sandwich:

I got a 6" Veggie Patty (which is really yummy, the boyfriend and his friend were joking about how gross it is and how even the dogs wouldn't eat it LOL) with everything on it - yes everything, even jalapenos! :)

OH, and YES my Christmas tree is still up because I don't have anywhere to put it in my apartment, my storage on the patio doesn't have any room either..and I'm embarrased taking it downstairs to put in my car. LOL. I guess I need to do that one night when it's already dark, so maybe people wont see me ;)

Then after eating, I showered, and layed in the bed and watched Grey's Anatomy and Private Practice. One of my friends, Sarah, has night classes now on Tuesdays and Thursdays so she can't make it anymore, and Desiree's classes are really busy so she can only come every other week now. And my sister, Ashlee, ended up just going to Whole Foods and stayed home to hang out with her son. So, my girls night ended up just being me and my dog watching tv..

Oliver got groomed, by the way, and I think he looks adorable!! They cut one of his ears shorter than the other (you can kind of tell in the picture) so I think I'll be fixing that this weekend.

Anyways, I have to get working :). Tonight the boyfriend and I are supposed to have a "date night" with my parents... They're going to be discussing my parents kitchen remodel, adding tile on the counters and such, while I enjoy the food. LOL ;)

Thursday, January 21, 2010

Jinbeh Date Night :)

Yesterday, after work and after my run (I will explain about that later), Brian and I had a double date night with my brother and his wife. We've been talking about going to dinner for like a year now, and we finally went!

It was a lot of fun - we need to do it more often. I got the Hibachi Vegetables (since I'm not eating meat), which was very delicious! I was the only one to clear my plate..but I was HUNGRY by the time we ate, since I ran before going.

Before going to dinner, I ran for almost 30 minutes.. It wasn't that great, but was better than my run on Tuesday night. I didn't eat anything before, so Iw as dragging the whole time. I need to remember to at least eat something light before - like a banana, or bread with peanut butter..something to give me a little more energy.

Tonight, I'm having some girlfriends over to watch Grey's Anatomy.. I'm excited about it! And, of course, I'll get my run in before hand!

I have to get working.. No more web surfing at work :( LOL ;)

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Tuesday Run

My run yesterday say the least. LOL.

I thought I had learned my lesson last week about eating before running, but I guess I didn't. I ate my dinner about 5:15pm-ish and then went running at 7..which wasn't enough time in between for my food to digest all the way. I had to push myself through running 30 minutes, and I ended up walking a lot more than I did on Monday. I'm hoping my run tonight will be better.

My sweet doggie, Oliver, is getting groomed today... He has been needing it for a long time now, but I keep putting it off since he was due for all of his shots. We got his shots taken care of last weekend, so I scheduled him for grooming today. I cannot wait to see how adorable he looks!!

Tonight, my boyfriend and I are going to meet my brother and his wife at Jinbeh in Los Colinas for dinner. We've been "planning" on doing a double date for like a year now, well now we're actually doing it! I'm really excited about it! :)

I'm ready to get off work to get running!!

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Afternoon Pick Me Up

I'm needing a little afternoon pick me up, so I went downstairs to get some nuts from the pharmacy:

Also, my boss bought these drinks called Nada from Costco - they're supposed to suppress appetite, speed metabolism and burn fat...Not sure if that's true or not, but it is tasty! And it has no carbs, no sugar, no calories! The nuts on the other hand have 260 calories..but I'll burn those off later with my run :) and 9g of protein..

Back to working on more of the spreadsheet...Only like 40 doctors left...I'm so ready to be done!! :)

Marvelous Monday

Yesterday was marvelous ;) LOL.. Well, as marvelous as any Monday could be.

I've been working on a project for work since Thursday..we're switching to EMR (Electronic Medical Records) starting March 1st.. So, my boss' wife gave me a project for cleaning up our list of Referring Physicians from our old computer system, so that it can be transfered into the new one without any duplicates, and all the correct information. It's been really time consuming, as there are over 300 Physicians on the list, believe it or not! So I've been working on that Thursday afternoon for a couple hours, all Friday morning and all yesterday morning, and I'm thinking I'll be done today!

Yesterday, after work, I tried to convince my boyfriend to go on a run with me, but he didn't want to... I wanted to go running outside, because it was really nice out.. but, I ended up heading to the apartment gym by myself.

I love these workout pants..they're like tights, but they're supposed to be wicking or whatever...I don't feel comfortable just wearing those so I put the shorts over it. LOL. :)

I ran for 30 minutes - had some walk breaks because my calfs kept cramping up... I think they were sore from Sunday's 3 mile run. I probably ended up running about 25 minutes of it, and walking 5 minutes...ran a total of 2.27ish miles (I can't remember the exact amount), burned 265 calories. It felt GREAT. :) I never would've thought in a million years that I'd actually enjoy running.
Once I got done running - Brian and I ordered Chinese food from a new restaurant (new to us, atleast)..because they put a flyer on our door. I thought I had ordered something without meat, because the discription didn't have meat in it, but it ended up having beef in I couldn't eat it :(. We did get an Ahi Tower to share (which has tuna in it...I've OK'd myself to eat fish, because I can't give up sushi LOL) I ended up eating most of it... and I had a bunch of rice, which really filled me up!!
This morning, I was a little bummed, because I weighed 156.6.... The scale is not going in the right direction!!! I'm still having trouble NOT weighing myself daily..I need to get out of the habit of weighing myself every day! I'm going to try not doing it for a week... We'll see how that goes.
I'm ready for lunch already ;) but still have a two hours until lunch time...

Monday, January 18, 2010

Weekend Wrap-Up...

I had a pretty good weekend, just wish it was longer, of course...

Saturday, as I posted earlier, I had Brian's Mom over for lunch..which was nice! Then Saturday night Brian and I went over to our friend's Brenda & Philip's house for a barbeque. Their parties are soooo fun! They had hamburgers and hotdogs and a bunch of sides - so I ate the sides... I brought a meat and cheese tray, so I ate a lot of the cheese from the tray.. I didn't have that much to drink, which was good - since I had to do my first "long run" the following morning with my Mom. We watched a football game...The Colts vs...I'm not sure... The Colts won, that's all that mattered ;). I don't understand football, at all, but since all of my relatives live in Indiana, and I like Peyton Manning...I'm all for the Colts going to the superbowl again! LOL...Anyways, we ended up leaving about midnight, got home and went straight to bed!

Sunday morning I woke up a little later than I should've, because I was supposed to be at my Mom's house so we could start our long run "no later than 9am"... I ended up leaving my apartment at like 8:50...and it takes usually 20 minutes to get to my parent's house..and it was foggy yesterday morning so it took a little longer to get there than it normally does.

We got started around 9:30ish (I'm not sure exactly what time, because neither of us looked at the time before starting our run)... It went REALLY well, I kept going faster than I should've been going (pacing like a 10 minute mile) when I should've been going slower, since it was my first long run and all. We had a few walk breaks, and stretch breaks, because both of our calfs were cramping up and my side kept getting a cramp... We ended up doing a little over 3 miles in like 40-ish minutes. Next weekend should go better, because we're going to make sure we eat something before the run (because we forgot..what were we thinking?! LOL), and make sure we stretch really good before starting.

- Right after my run - sorry about my crazy hair. :)

Once we got back to the house, I immediately fixed myself a bowl of oatmeal, because I was very hungry!!!
- Instant Oatmeal (Walmart brand) with probably a tablespoon of peanut butter mixed in with a whole banana. I usually make it with half a banana, but I wanted a whole banana yesterday. :)

After showering, I watched Brayden and we played outside in the backyard for a little while.. And then I ended up bringing him to the Wiggly Play Center in Frisco.. He had a lot of fun! He didn't want to take off his shoes and play at all at first..then when I went up with him to go down the stairs, he remembered how much fun it was there! LOL :) We went up and down the slide like at least 25 times!!! He wore me out!! LOL.. Then we danced a little bit.. When we ended up leaving he was trying to talk me into going to Walmart or Target, because he didn't want to go home! LOL.. Once we got back to the house, I changed his diaper, and put him in his bed for a nap...he didn't cry at all, he was very tired!

I hung out at my parent's house for a little bit longer, and then went home. I had Chipotle for dinner last night - veggie burrito bowl. It was very yummy!

And had some tea before bed... Wildberry Green Tea...
This tea is amazing, it really is! It's kind of expensive, but I think it's worth it. :)
Now off to work...

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Enjoying My Saturday :)

I am enjoying my Saturday so's been pretty productive!!

Brian and I planned on having his Mom over for lunch and margaritas, so I got up and started cleaning the apartment right away... Brian went out to The Cereal Bar,, to get us breakfast.. He had the "Americas Favorite" because he's a kid at heart... and I had the Monkey Around..which was amazing. It's oatmeal with bananas, brown sugar, graham cracker bits and honey. It was very filling!! After eating that, I continued cleaning!

I went to Bath & Body Works to get some hand soap and a new Wallflower refill so that the apartment would smell nice for when Brian's Mom came over. I ended up getting a lot more than I planned though... I get suckered into their sales, easily. I ended up walking out with four hand soaps (4 for $10), a Wallflower refill ($5), some foam body wash ($3), a "sample" of a new scented Wallflower ($3), two candles that were 75% off ($4.50ish each)...and a nail buffer thing. After my shopping trip at Bath & Body Works, I went over to Target to buy stuff to cook lunch.

I made fajitas - veggie fajitas for myself, since I don't eat meat, and chicken fajitas for Brian and his Mom. I also whipped up some Guacamole - I found a "Guacamole Kit" at Target that had everything that I normally buy to make Guacamole. It turned out really good!

Now I'm off to take a nap!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Grey's Night :)

Grey's Night was fun.. Ashlee & Desiree came over! It was a much needed girls night! I really need to have more of those.. I wish I had taken a picture of the three of us for my Project Life thing. :( Oh well, that's okay, there's always next week for that!

I've decided, I need to get strict on my diet again.. I'm picking up the exercising again, which is wonderful, but I need to kick it up a notch on my dieting.

I've made a few goals/rewards for my weight loss:

10lbs - Manicure
15lbs - Pedicure
20lbs - Massage
25lbs - New clothes

I'm going to try my hardest to not weigh myself daily, like my friend Desiree told me to do..instead I'm going to weigh weekly..starting this weekend ;)

Today I weighed in at 154.2. My goal is to be down to 130lbs by the end of April..sooner would be better, but if I want to healthily lose weight, 2lbs a week is the way to go.

I'm trying to decide if I want to use this blog as a food blog, fitness blog, or what... Hmm..decisions, decisions...

Goodnight :)

GREAT Run/Walk...

I had an AWESOME run/walk... I was running at 2-3% incline for 2-3minutes, then I would have to stop and walk for 30 seconds to a minute...and then continue running again. I decided to switch it to no incline (which is hard for me, because I'm hooked on using the incline function on the treadmill), and was able to run almost 5 minutes without stopping!! I'm so proud of myself!!

To think of where I was six months ago, and where I am now.. I'm just so proud of myself! I'm in so much better shape, I feel better about myself..I've lost 30lbs.. I do want to lose 25 more, but still, 30 is great!!

Now I have to get ready for my friends to come over to watch Grey's Anatomy! :)

Enjoying Running...

I must admit, I'm enjoying this whole running thing more than I thought I would. :) Which is great, because I really needed this motivation to get me back on the exercising ban-wagon (is that how you spell it?)...

Last night's run/walk, however, was GREAT the 15 minutes.. Then I accidentally hit "STOP" so I had to re-start it all...the last half, wasn't so great.. My stomach wasn't feeling right, I was getting like nauseous feeling.. I know now not to eat my entire dinner before exercising...I thought by me waiting like 45 minutes, that it'd be okay, but I was wrong.

I didn't work out the night before last, because I was tired from waking up at 5:45am to get to work at 6:30am..but I talked myself into it being OKAY since I started my training a day early... Which I probably should've just gotten off of my butt and gone to work out.. Oh well.. :)
I didn't take a picture for my Project Life thing on Tuesday, either, so I took two yesterday to make up for it.

"jan 12th" - I didn't know what to take a picture of, so I took it of the bathroom...You know the Myspace way..or whatever. LOL. I realize that I need to buy new scrubs, SOON!!

jan 13th - I had a spoonful of peanut butter after my workout... My boyfriend thinks its gross, but I like it! :)
I'm super excited about tonight, Grey's Anatomy is back on for a 2 hour cross-episode, or whatever, with Private Practice. I'm planning on having my friends over: Ashlee, Desiree, and Sarah... The evening will consit of a lot of glasses of wine ;)... I'm READY!!!

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

At Work Way Too Early...

Good morning!!! :) I got to work way too early this morning, at 6:30am, to prepare the office for our first chart audit.. We'll see how this goes today. Hopefully smoothly.

Last night, I ran/walked on the treadmill for 30min.. Ended up doing a little over 2 miles, but I had to keep stopping because I was getting cramps. I forget what that means when you get cramps - either not enough salt, or not enough sugar. I can't remember..I'll have to ask my Mom later today, because she knows.

After working out, Brian and I went over to Papa Murphy's in Carrollton (soooo good) and got a Chicken Bacon Artichoke deLITE pizza...Except my half had no chicken or bacon. We hadn't had that in a while - probably a couple months - so it was nice to have it again...

I was really disappointed this morning when I weighed in.. The scale keeps going up a pound a day, and I really CANNOT wait to be off of this dang prednisone (prescribed for my headaches, well to see if it will help). The scale this morning said 156.2lbs. :( Hopefully, once I'm off the medicine (only three days left of it), I'll go down in weight.

- jan 11th - A picture of the treadmill...with my Camelbak waterbottle. I love it. :) I didn't know what to take a picture of for yesterday...

Well I better get back to work and finish these charts so they'll be ready for when the person comes to look at them...

Monday, January 11, 2010

First Follower :)

YAYYYYY!!! I have my first follower, Desiree!!! :) I'm excited! LOL

All These Pictures...

I'm a scrapbooker, and I'm doing a project called "Project Life" (which last year was called Project 365). Basically, what it is - you take one picture every day of something in your life... Then you put it in the scrapbook and journal a little bit about it. So, at the end of the year you will have a full year of your life documented.

Until I'm able to print everything, I will be posting my daily pictures on if you're wondering what all these pictures are about..that's what all that is about. :)

Half Marathon Training!!!

I've decided to sign up for a half-marathon that is on March 14th called the Rock and Roll Half Marathon..I'm really excited about it. I've been thinking to myself that I'd like to get into running, because I do enjoy like jogging with my dogs..and since I've done the Breast Cancer 3-Day, and most of my training for that I did at a high incline (10-15% incline), so how hard can it be to start running? After my Mom sent me an email about the half marathon, I knew I wanted to do it, especially since it is benefitting Susan G. Komen for the Cure.

I started my training last night, a day early, because I could not wait!!!

The training schedule that my Mom made me shows Monday-Friday running 30 minutes, Saturday's are the "off" days, and then Sunday's are the long runs. Since I'm a beginner runner, I'm trying to encorporate what my Mom has taught me from the run/walk training that she had done to get herself starting to run. Last night, I ended up mostly running (more like jogging for now at 4.3-4.4mph) for 2 minutes, walking for 1 minute (still at a good speed of 4.0mph), and then back to running for 2 minutes. Ended up doing a little over 1 1/2 miles. I felt GREAT walking home from the gym.

Brian and I ended up going back up to the gym after he got off work, he ran for 3 miles, and I walked at 12% incline, 4mph, for 20 minutes..then ended up leaving early to go get us dinner before Subway closed.

I'm really excited about starting my training for the half marathon! I'll be running 30 minutes tonight when my boyfriend gets we can do it together. :) I'm glad to have him to do this with me, just hope that he'll stick to it ;). The long runs, I'll have a running partner also, my Mom, which I'm so thankful for that. She was a lot of help with my long walks for the 3Day training.

Anyway, I better get off here, and get to work..

HOPEFULLY I can keep this blog going ;)

I started this blog a while ago, didn't really keep up with it and ended up deleting all the posts. I'm hoping I'll be able to start it back up, and keep up with it.

I love looking at this blog:

called Healthy Tipping Point. This is where I really started wanting to do a blog.. I just didn't know what to write about, so then I thought I'd document what I maybe it'll help me with my better food decision making. However, it didn't last very long.

Now, one of my friends has made a blog for fashion..which I love to read..but honestly, I'm not really that much of a fashionable person. Although, I have asked her to help me go clothes shopping once I lose the rest of my weight that I want to I'm excited about that! Just have to start saving my $$ for it ;) .

This morning, I weighed in, hoping that I would have lost some weight because I exercised last night for the first time in a while..probably a month.. I was disappointed to see I had gained one pound from Saturday. I'm blaming it on the steriod I'm on though, that my doctor prescribed for my headaches to hopefully "break up any inflamation" that I may have in my head since I've been having daily headaches. Anyway, so I'm hoping that once I'm done with them (I'm on day three of them, out of six days), the weight will come off...*fingers crossed*'s to re-starting my blog! :) Maybe I'll have a few followers!

More Project Life - January 5th through 10th.

Gotta organize my pictures somewhere, until I print them out for my scrapbook project, called "Project Life"

jan 5th - I received my Project Life kit! I was so excited to get it, I opened it up and looked through everything! :) I can't wait to print out my pictures and begin!

jan 6th - This is a regular day at the office, we get coffee after lunch time to keep us awake ;) during the rest of the day. McDonalds has pretty good coffee!

jan 7th - My car was COVERED in ice.. How fun is that? LOL..not! I made sure to get up early to be able to defrost my car... Why is it 27 degrees in Texas?
jan 8th - I babysat for a family in Denton.. The 4 year old and I played on their Wii.. It was a lot of fun!
jan 9th - Brian, Daniel and I went out for dinner to a sushi restaurant in Lewisville called Blue Ocean. It's our new favorite. They had a really nice bathroom with rocks in the sink.
jan 10th - I watched Brayden, this is a weekly thing... We layed down for like litterally two minutes to watch tv.. Then he was up again running around :) I love him!

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Project Life

jan 1st - Brian and I went to Brenda and Philip's house to celebrate the New Year :)
jan 2nd - Need to upload picture of my scrapbooking day :)

jan 3rd - I hung out with Brayden.. This is him saying "Cheese" :)

jan 4th - I made a list of my New Years resolutions.