Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Terrific Tuesday...

Well, lets hope today will be a terrific Tuesday! I'm ready to get the day over with... ;) which is sad because it's only about 10:00am, so I have almost 7 hours left to work. If only I could snap my fingers and have the day over with... I normally looove being at work, but this is the third week of my boss being gone, and it's pretty boring here at work!!!!!!

For breakfast, I had a Kashi TLC Pumpkin Spice Flax bar again.. I love these bars! I need to see if Sam's has a BIG box of them since I've been eating them almost daily! :)

When I weighed myself this morning, I was a little disappointed because it said 152.2.. I know people's weights fluctuate, so I'm just going to keep thinking what I weighed the last time. I need to stop weighing myself daily, and weigh myself once a week! Hopefully I can break the habit of weighing myself daily..

Now off to do some more reading up on the Susan G Komen 3-Day for the Cure - even though I already know everything about it ;)

Please support my fundraising efforts @ www.the3day.org/goto/ambre701 - even $5 would help!


  1. Hi Ambre- I'd be happy to promote your fundraising on my blog- let me know if you are planning on doing any sort of raffles or anything like that. Those are usually the best ways to get people to donate to your cause! Good luck & I'm happy to help!

  2. Hi Tracey -
    I'm getting some things donated to me to put together a basket to raffle off - so far I have 2 envitotes that are being sent, and I'm pretty sure I'll be getting two yoga mats sent to me. I'm also in the process of getting a $500 VISA gift card donated to me. I will let you know! :) Thanks!
