Wednesday, March 24, 2010
Great Giveaway - Yoplait Greek Yogurt & Spa Package!
Monday, March 22, 2010
Again, I'm a horrible blogger! LOL

This is now the fourth book by Nicholas Sparks that I'm reading. I read both "The Choice" and "Dear John" in two days! I also read "The Last Song" pretty quickly, also. I'm in love with his books! He's such a great author! I never thought I'd enjoy reading this much! LOL..
Now, onto clearing up my desk and going to read a little bit. :)
Monday, March 8, 2010
I'm a HORRIBLE blogger!

I ended up making myself a Green Monster smoothie a few hours after we got home, because I was craving it!!! :)
Friday night, I met Ashlee and my nephew at Zoes Kitchen in Plano.

Afterwords, we went to Market Street to get my nephew some gummy fruit snacks and I also wanted to get some spinach, because I was completely out. I got two 9oz bags of spinach.. (and they're going to good is already gone, and the other is half gone)..
My nephew was supposed to sleep over Friday night, came over and we hung out for a while..then when it was time for "night night" he would NOT go to sleep! I tried for almost three hours, and he just would not go to sleep! I don't know Ashlee ended up coming over around 11pm to get him.
Saturday morning my Mom picked me up and we headed over to our friend Danielle's house to scrapbook all day and night. Her daughter had a choir performance at the local high school's craft fair, so we headed over to that after getting set up for scrapbooking. We ended up missing her daughter's performance because we thought they would perform in the lunch room, but they were performing in the gym. We were bummed we missed it, but I still had fun at the craft fair -I love craft fairs! I ended up buying some pumpkin butter (very delicious), some salsa, a Scentsy candle refill thing, and one homemade praline (it was sooo good).
After the craft fair, we dropped her daughter off at home, and headed over to a couple antique stores to try and find an antique window for me to use... I'm wanting to decorate it and hang it in the apartment on the wall in my kitchen. We didn't have any luck with looking for windows, but one of the ladies that worked at one of the stores said that she had two at home and would bring them up on Sunday. (Danielle lives close to the antique store, so she offered to go up there, send me a picture of it, and buy it if I liked them)... After going to the antique stores, we went to Chipotle for lunch, and then to Michaels and Target.
Then back over to Danielle's to scrapbook...

I didn't get much scrapbooking done, because I was watching the movies that we had playing: The Proposal, The Break Up, Pretty Woman, and one other I can't remember the name of...
Sunday I headed over to my parent's house really early to help out with watching my nephew.. Then, when he was down for his nap, my Mom and I went to Albertsons to buy food for my Pampered Chef party, and then went back home to get ready for the party.

I had a really good turn out with my show! It was really fun! I had 10 people there, 11 including myself. So far, it looks like I'll be getting most of the stuff on my wish list for free, which is awesome!!! I still have four other people that I know that are wanting to place an order.
Today, I'm just bored - like the last three weeks - at work.. I brought "The Last Song" (that I started yesterday) to read while at work.. I'm thinking I'll probably finish it this week!
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
Tuesday & Wednesday Wrap-Up...
After dinner, Ashlee and I dropped my nephew off at home, and we went over to her friend, Jessica's house for a Lia Sophia jewelry party. It was fun, but I felt bad because we were the only people to show up.. I'm hoping she can get some outside orders so that she can earn some free merchandise!!
Todayyyyyy..... For breakfast I had another Kashi TLC Pumpkin Spice Flax granola favvvvvvvvorite. I need to go buy some more really soon!
For lunch, my coworker and I went to a pizza place by work called Joe's Pizza. I ordered a Veggie Pizza with jalapenos and a side salad (forgot to take a picture) with house dressing. :) Work was very uneventful today...but we did get a call from our boss' wife saying that his Father is doing better - thank goodness!!
This Green Monster smoothie has 1 really big handful of Spinach, one leaf of Kale (wasn't sure if I'd like it), one banana, 6 strawberries, 1tbsp of flax seed and 1c of Coconut water (I need to use up the container I opened yesterday). It was pretty good! The boyfriend, however, thought it needed sugar! LOL.
However, I was not full, and wanted something sweet - so I had one apple with a little bit of peanut butter. This peanut butter is gross - I'm not really sure WHAT is wrong with it. It's the Natural Jif "no stir"...but this jar needed lots of stirring, and now since it's almost gone the rest of it is kind of hard... Gross...need to get more peanut butter. I really want to try almond butter, maybe I'll get that next.
That was my wrap-up for the last two days... I'm going to lay down on the couch or on the bed and watch tv because I'm not really feeling well. So much for exercising daily...I think my running on Monday aggravated something in my insides, and now I have craps again like before. :( I really enjoyed the running to...maybe I'll just have to deal with it...I'm not sure yet.
ALSO - I wanted to say "thank you" to Nicole @ for 1. answering my questions, and 2. putting something about my fund raising on your website! I really appreciate it :) hopefully it'll get me a few donations... *keeping fingers crossed*...
Goodnight everyone!!! :)
Tuesday, March 2, 2010
Terrific Tuesday...
For breakfast, I had a Kashi TLC Pumpkin Spice Flax bar again.. I love these bars! I need to see if Sam's has a BIG box of them since I've been eating them almost daily! :)
When I weighed myself this morning, I was a little disappointed because it said 152.2.. I know people's weights fluctuate, so I'm just going to keep thinking what I weighed the last time. I need to stop weighing myself daily, and weigh myself once a week! Hopefully I can break the habit of weighing myself daily..
Now off to do some more reading up on the Susan G Komen 3-Day for the Cure - even though I already know everything about it ;)
Please support my fundraising efforts @ - even $5 would help!
Exercising Once Again...

Green Monster Smoothie :) (I was HUNGRY!!!). I had to have a Time Warner Cable guy come over to have my DVR serviced because it wasn't working! And that ended up being a mistake on their part from when I had it replaced two weeks ago.
While waiting for the Time Warner guy, I opened the package I received from the Body Shop from an order I placed a couple of weeks ago:
This awesome "steal" was like $120ish worth for only $32!!!! I had to have it! :) It has two brushes - not sure of the "technical term" ;), two full sized lip glosses, "Shimmer Waves" which is like either for blush or for eyeshaddow, eyeliner, mascara and an eyelash curler. It was a great deal!
Then I put on the shimmer waves, some eyeliner, mascara and some lipgloss..and then played around with my iPhone camera a little bit:

After the Time Warner guy left, I changed and headed over to my apartment gym. I missed the gym!!!! I think it was almost a month since the last time even touched a treadmill. SO it was time to start back up, and since it was March 1st, it was time to start back up!(Kind of a dark was dark outside)
I ended up running about 3/4 of a mile without stopping! Which is awesome for not running for a month, and I don't think I even could do that before! Maybe has something to do with the extra energy from those Green Monster smoothies? I'm not sure.. It felt awesome!! Then I slowed down and walked for about a mile at 10% incline 3.8mph.... I ended up just doing 2 miles total..but it's definitely better than not doing any at all! I felt pretty great afterwords!!! The only bad thing is my cramps started acting up right after finishing...not sure if it has anything to do with it or not. I'm hoping that doesn't happen again tonight.
After exercising, I went back to my apartment and waited for my boyfriend to get home with dinner. He picked up Jason's Deli - I got a Spinach Wrap with fruit. It was very yummy!! I ate it very quickly, because I was extremely hungry after working out. By the time I got done eating, it was almost 9pm (because it took the boyfriend a while to get home with food).. I got ready for bed, and did what I do almost every night at 10:00pm - watched Family Guy on Adult Swim!
Monday, March 1, 2010
Looking through old pictures...

I'm so glad that I've lost the 30lbs - and cannot wait to get down to my goal weight - just 20lbs more! And if I work hard on it, I should be there (hopefully) by the 2nd week in May.. If I do 2lbs per week. My goal is to have it all gone by the end of May - then I'm giving myself some room, so I don't disappoint myself. LOL. I can do it!!!
The first 30lbs went kind of slowly, I wasn't really strict about my diet, and my form of exercise was walking. Now, I didn't do PLAIN walking, except for the "long walks" (while training for the 3-day last year).. My walks during the week consisted of 3.5-4mph on the treadmill at anywhere between 10-15% incline. SO I burned a lot more calories! Now I'm running - well haven't in like four weeks - but I'm going to get back to it I'm hoping that it comes off quicker.. we'll see. :)
I'm down to 150lbs - begining weight 184lbs - goal weight 130lbs. I can do it!! :)