I'm probably the worst blogger ever! :)
I've had a busy busy busy weekend! Saturday I babysat all day/night - I babysat for two boys in Lewisville from 10-6 and I brought them to this fun place called Going Bonkers so that they could run around and burn some of their energy! We couldn't go to the park since it was so cold out! Then Saturday night, I babysat from 6:30-10 for two kiddos in Flower Mound, and I will be babysitting again for them this Friday night. I had fun :) these kids were cute - a 5 year old girl and a 3 year old boy. I think they liked me..They didn't want to go to sleep! LOL.
Then Sunday, I headed over to my parent's house to help watch my nephew while they hung up new border paper in his room (they're changing the theme from Classic Pooh to sports). I brought him to McDonalds to play around before his nap. He had fun, he found a 10 year old boy (I'm guessing 10..I'm not really sure) to play with. The older boy was playing basket ball, so he was trying to play along, and ended up just watching the other boy play. Then, I brought him home to take a nap...
During his nap, my Mom and I went out to get mani/pedis! It was MUCH needed, we hadn't had a pedicure since The 3 Day - which was in November! Now my feet look cute again! And my nails look pretty good also!
I brought a book today to read while I'm not as busy at work...

This is now the fourth book by Nicholas Sparks that I'm reading. I read both "The Choice" and "Dear John" in two days! I also read "The Last Song" pretty quickly, also. I'm in love with his books! He's such a great author! I never thought I'd enjoy reading this much! LOL..
Now, onto clearing up my desk and going to read a little bit. :)
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