After dinner, Ashlee and I dropped my nephew off at home, and we went over to her friend, Jessica's house for a Lia Sophia jewelry party. It was fun, but I felt bad because we were the only people to show up.. I'm hoping she can get some outside orders so that she can earn some free merchandise!!
Todayyyyyy..... For breakfast I had another Kashi TLC Pumpkin Spice Flax granola favvvvvvvvorite. I need to go buy some more really soon!
For lunch, my coworker and I went to a pizza place by work called Joe's Pizza. I ordered a Veggie Pizza with jalapenos and a side salad (forgot to take a picture) with house dressing. :) Work was very uneventful today...but we did get a call from our boss' wife saying that his Father is doing better - thank goodness!!
This Green Monster smoothie has 1 really big handful of Spinach, one leaf of Kale (wasn't sure if I'd like it), one banana, 6 strawberries, 1tbsp of flax seed and 1c of Coconut water (I need to use up the container I opened yesterday). It was pretty good! The boyfriend, however, thought it needed sugar! LOL.
However, I was not full, and wanted something sweet - so I had one apple with a little bit of peanut butter. This peanut butter is gross - I'm not really sure WHAT is wrong with it. It's the Natural Jif "no stir"...but this jar needed lots of stirring, and now since it's almost gone the rest of it is kind of hard... Gross...need to get more peanut butter. I really want to try almond butter, maybe I'll get that next.
That was my wrap-up for the last two days... I'm going to lay down on the couch or on the bed and watch tv because I'm not really feeling well. So much for exercising daily...I think my running on Monday aggravated something in my insides, and now I have craps again like before. :( I really enjoyed the running to...maybe I'll just have to deal with it...I'm not sure yet.
ALSO - I wanted to say "thank you" to Nicole @ for 1. answering my questions, and 2. putting something about my fund raising on your website! I really appreciate it :) hopefully it'll get me a few donations... *keeping fingers crossed*...
Goodnight everyone!!! :)
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